Welcome to my blog post and I am the proud owner of eliteecss.com.
I created this blog post to share my experience, trends, news, and more about 21st-century home-based business. I am passionate about building my businesses more than ever due to the shifts in the economy. The new world of business today transacted via the internet, where technology has taken over how business owners conduct their businesses through e-commerce.
Home-Based Business
“Did you know that operating a home-based business is the best move of the 21st-Century.”
A Homebased Business is a business operated from one's home. Conducting a home-based business gives freedom, peace of mind, stability, and flexibility. Besides, it allows the business owners to spend more time at home with their family and saving money on their daily commute.
Be Your Own Boss - for Success
Being your own boss is great. However, a home-based business gives you the ability to control your time, money, and earn passive income.
The market is unpredictable, and the severity of the economy has changed drastically since the coronavirus pandemic, March 2020. The unpredictable economy forces individuals to establish their home-based business, where people are looking to use leverage to increase wealth. So, being your boss is a factor to increase wealth. The word wealth is about one's self-development, spiritual connection, health, time, success, how much you invest in your ability, and knowledge to make a positive difference in society.
Remember that to accomplish success, the wealth you should work on is: maintaining a positive attitude and mindset.
Your mindset will determine your future.
Therefore, having a positive mindset helps you to improve on your short and long-term goals.
What you believe will manifest because behavior consistently becomes your habit.
Your habit over time influences your mindset and your personality.
Hence, the combination of your behavior, habits, mindset, and personality, influences your capabilities and ability.
Your capabilities, abilities influence your beliefs and your values.
Your beliefs and values create a perception of your identity.
Finally, your identity produces your outcomes.
In order to become successful, you must be prepared.
Visualize where you want to go and what you wish to achieve in life.
My Home-Based Businesses
“The Global Pandemic Should Not Stop You From Aspiring your dreams."
Elite Consultants & Secretarial Services
While working in New York City with a private medical business entity in 2009, I aspired to establish my own home-based business. The name of this business is Elite Consultants & Secretarial Services. Why did I start my first home-based business? I realize that I have the business acumen and driven ability to help increase business growth. I enhance my education in areas that needed improvement, and today, I decided to build my businesses more because having at least four home-based businesses will increase more connections between solutions and problems that create wealth.
My Home-Based Business - iBuumerang
“The Global Pandemic Should Not Stop You From Aspiring your dreams."
The Perpetual Residual Income Builder (PRIB)
I am excited to be part of the iBuumerang franchise business one, of the fast-growing Network marketing arenas that are changing home-based businesses into a 21st-century era. The company philosophy is giving free smart codes to customers, and when the customer uses it and saves money, the ambassador earns money. Customers can receive the smart code only from an ambassador like myself, who can sponsor you into the business.
The platform build base on the Perpetual Residual Income Builder (PRIB), which allows ambassadors to earn income continuously on a part-time or full-time basis. The multiple verticals or technology within the PRIB are iGo (travel), Zence (mood enhancer), Bill Genius (monthly bills negotiator), and Vibe Rides (Share ride industry). The cost is a low startup cost, free training, and no cost for advanced training. This company uses data analytics, Artificial intelligence, and world-class people power to follow-up with customers and team-building initiatives.
Get Inspired
Get involve and join me and start your home-based business. If you are reading this blog and you love to start saving on your next travel, hotel, car rental, vibe ride, Bill Genius, and more. You can send me your information to receive your free smart Contact me today.
Home-Based business owners can save on their tax return.
Do you know that as a parent, you can employ your kids to work with the business?
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